Monday, July 8, 2013

We've moved!

Hi all!  We've moved to a new location on the internet.  You can now find us   Please just follow the link and hang on.  It'll be fun.

Brandy~The Prepping Princess.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Video with questions

Gardening Update-Video

Update on my Square Foot garden.  I have some serious issues and would love some feedback.  Let me know if you have some great advice for me.  Heck, I would even take some mediocre advise.  :D


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gardening Fun

I have everything just about ready for my garden this year.  The first thing I had to do is get permission from out landlord.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to live my homesteading and self sufficient life when I rent?? Someday...a little plot of land to call my own will be here.  :)

Once we had her permission to put some raised beds in the back yard I got busy.  Well, hubby and the teen boys got busy hehe.  I supervised.  We already had one bed built using Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening method.  We made 5 more beds 4ftx4ft for a total of 6 beds and a total of 96 square feet of growing room.  It's not a lot but with this type of gardening you plant much closer than in row gardens.

I don't know if you remember but the one bed we had we planted an experimental winter garden as our area rarely sees more than 1 or 2 frosts a year.  Nothing really made it except the two hybrid tomatoes I planted.  We had a few tomatoes over the winter but nothing to write home about.  Right now though, they both have quite a few fruits growing on them and it's just now April!  Nice to have such an early start and harvest.  

I started most of my seeds in Feb and have them in the greenhouse growing their little hearts out.  I started more than what I would need in case some didn't make, thank goodness I did that because of the 'Greenhouse Fiasco of 2013' in which the wind picked up and blew the greenhouse over and destroyed about 3/4 of my seedlings.  I still have more than I will use but I was going to sell the rest of those buggers.

Anyway, here is my video of my second tour.  I was playing with some editing software and had fun with that but I definitely need more practice.  Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can get updates.  Also, please like us at

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My first video. A tour of my lovely garden.

I've never made a video before so enjoy.  Please like and subscribe so you can get updates when I make new ones.  It'll be fun.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I'm Coming Back!

Hi everyone!  I slacked off.  I chickened out.  I let one day become another and then become another.  It's been too long that I've I let this blog go.

During my absence I still thought about it, I still wanted it but I just wasn't feeling it.  I didn't feel that I knew enough to 'teach' others what to do.  Basically, what I did was; think of a topic, Google the heck out of it and write it up in my own words.  I did that because I had no real world experience in most of those situations.  Soooo, rather than 'teach' I decided to chronicle.  I will basically be sharing what I am doing and why I am doing it. Instead of giving you a list of items you can put in your bug out bag (you can Google search just as well as I can) I will show you what items I have chosen for my own bag and why.

I really wasn't feeling the end of the world doomsdayesque way I started taking this blog either.  While I am a big believer if storing food and water for emergencies, I don't like the focusing on end of the world scenarios.  I still firmly believe in learning to grow your own food, preserve it and save the seeds to keep it a renewable resource (in fact you can follow my fun little blog at, I will be sharing my gardening fun there.) but I also think you should be smart in your preps.

Anyway, I hope my regulars will come back and I can get some new folks in to watch my fun as well.  I'm not ready for regular blogging but I will be back from time to time the next few weeks until I get myself more organized and situated.  Looking forward to some good times.

It'll be fun. :)